Since the turn of the century, many new homes have Structured Wiring for telephone, data, audio and video. All the cables for these services will be pulled to one location in the home, like a utility room or master bedroom closet for example. It is very convenient to have access to these cables in one location. Usually, an in-wall cabinet with a door or cover conceals the wiring. As an example, here is a Structured Wiring panel for telephone and data service:
Click on the thumbnails above for a larger image. This panel contains:
- An A/C power outlet in the lower left corner.
- A six outlet surge protector across the bottom. The power supplies for the DSL modem, the wireless router and the 8 port switch are plugged in to the surge protector.
- Just above the surge protector there is a DSL modem on the right side and a wireless router on the left side.
- The router is uplinked to an 8 port switch just above the router.
- The data ports on the switch are connected to a punch down patch panel above and to the right with blue CAT5 patch cords. The CAT5 cables from all the wall outlets punch down into this patch panel.
- Just above the data patch panel is a telephone patch panel. The phone line from outside is punched down across the top of the patch panel and the phone lines from the wall outlets are punched down in the bottom of the patch panel.
- All the data and phone cables are labeled with the source location for easy identification and troubleshooting.
These Structured Wiring panels can also contain coax cables for cable TV, distribution amplifiers and satellite multiswitches for satellite TV service. If you would like all your telephone, data, audio and video wiring to look this good, just give us a call.